Learning how to create a google site has been new learning for me. Thanks to the necessities of distance learning, I had already learnt how to upload material to the school hub sites and doing that in itself felt like an achievement. It seemed like a mystery and I didn't want to upset any preset formatting that had been done. I felt a little like an intruder. It is timely that my confidence with accessing and putting work on the site has improved at the same time that the mysteries of the workings behind the scene are unfolding through DFI. I still have a lot to learn and need to do some homework on this, but I am excited to be looking at an authentic purpose for my site; Structured Reading in the junior school. (The subject of another blog post!)
The Manaiakalani Kaupapa topic for week six was 'Connected'. I found that the graphic showing the four goals of Manaiakalani reached me this week. I have seen the graphic before but this time I saw how interconnected and important the four goals are. The big picture of enabling access; that learning for all children should be Connected. Through communication and collaboration with others that sense of connection to a community is developed.
Ubiquitous, where equity is promoted and fostered when children are able to access the learning anytime and anywhere. Visible: a multi layered concept which was the topic of my last blog post.
Empowered: giving students agency through voice, choice and leadership. Using the Learn, Create, Share framework to manage learning, these lofty goals somehow seem achievable.
The Kaupapa of Manaiakalani has settled on me. It feels like a good fit. The DFI course has further enabled my access to this thinking and I am grateful for it. What have been your 'aha' moments throughout this time?
Wednesday, 29 April 2020
Wednesday, 22 April 2020
Collaboration - Sites DFI Week Five - Visible Learning.
The focus for today's Manaiakalani pedagogy talk was about their kaupapa of 'Visible Learning'. This is a multi layered concept. The idea that the children should be able to relate to material presented in a way that they feel connected with the school resonated with me. How will they know that the work presented to them comes out of their school and is relevant to their context?
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Leading Lights wellbeing site |
It was good to be reminded about 'cultural capital' - what it is that we learn as we navigate life and relationships that help us to 'fit in'? It strikes me as an example of social inequity; when some children learn very quickly the language of learning, the nuances of 'teaching and learning' and others don't. I like the idea that digital technologies even out some of the social inequities but understanding the hidden culture behind what the teacher is meaning is still relatively hit and miss for many of our tamariki.

Visible learning in terms of children having access and clarity around their next step learning has been considered good practice for years. We laboriously pinned up our WALTS and LI's on the walls each week and tried to remember to point them out to children; the posters became background wallpaper in moments. We glued them into their books and had them copy them down. We glued curriculum progressions into the backs of students' books in an attempt to personalise them and highlighted or ticked as they mastered them. The introduction of 1:1 computers and progressions (goal) based information not only makes learning visible and personalised for students but also their parents. This is the age of relevant, timely, clear information and it is good. Each child should be able to see the planning and have a voice over the planning process. Children should be able to have conversations about whether or not they are meeting their goals and should expect to have conversations about how they can achieve these goals. The age of just do it because this is what I have planned are fortunately long gone. Transparency and accountability is part and parcel of authentic learning.
Visible learning on walls and tables emphasise and give evidence of what is happening in learning for the children in the hub. They show and encourage student engagement and give a point of reference for our students. Word walls, interactive displays (can be taken away and put back, or manipulated in some way) have not lost their relevance and are just as important as the site, slide show, explain everything or video. Thankfully this is something that we do not want to lose sight of in my school.
As teachers we have historically thrown the baby out with bath water, what do you think?
Wednesday, 15 April 2020
Data. DFI Week Four.

Also, I enjoyed the tweaks to my Google forms - I hadn't noticed that little add image here button alongside the actual questions.
Today along with the rest of New Zealand, we reopened our school in an online capacity. I think that by the time it came around to 9:00 this morning, we all just wanted to get on with it!. As I hopped in and out of Google Meets being run by our teachers, I felt very grateful for the technical knowledge that our staff has gained over recent times to enable them to deliver online learning. There has been a massive upskilling for a few, but the recent couple of years of Manaiakalani PD has certainly taken the fear (and substitution - SAMR) out of the digital delivery of the curriculum.
I love the way new knowledge expands my brain!
Wednesday, 8 April 2020
Media DFI Week Three - Online Version
Week Three's point of difference was that I was sitting in my dining room alongside 31 others who were also sitting in their own homes. We all seem to have adapted to this strange new world. It is only one week since I learnt how to make the best of google meet and then in such a short time have used it more than I would have imagined (several times a day!) and so quickly become conversant with such things as using the grid extension and then closing the grid to see the screen sharing properly and breaking out into smaller workshops. It was a good feeling in session three, working with colleagues from around the country, even then not knowing how vital these tools would become.
Of course everything that is happening in the DFI course now seems incredibly relevant as we gear up for helping our staff deliver on line learning. What week three's course in particular has reminded me of, is what it is like to be a learner! As I sweated over getting something worth sharing onto my google drawing, I thought about what it must be like for so many of our students. Quite a humbling experience and quite different from academic study because part of what I was learning in the session was exactly what we would expect our students to do. When we consider the varying needs and abilities of our students, how well are we looking after each person's Mana?
It was enlightening indeed to uncover some of the mysteries around my youtube channel (who knew!) and once again a timely injection of information. I feel so much better informed about launching my online videos into the cosmos, after this session. The rewindable nature of our sessions has proven to be incredibly authentic and points out again how useful this is for our children. Having the opportunity to flip and then rewind the learning as we have been using in our practice over the past few years makes me want to celebrate again how good it is to be in a school that values leveraging digital to enhance learning opportunities for all.

It was enlightening indeed to uncover some of the mysteries around my youtube channel (who knew!) and once again a timely injection of information. I feel so much better informed about launching my online videos into the cosmos, after this session. The rewindable nature of our sessions has proven to be incredibly authentic and points out again how useful this is for our children. Having the opportunity to flip and then rewind the learning as we have been using in our practice over the past few years makes me want to celebrate again how good it is to be in a school that values leveraging digital to enhance learning opportunities for all.
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