Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Enabling Access - Sites Week Six DFI - Connected

Learning how to create a google site has been new learning for me. Thanks to the necessities of distance learning, I had already learnt how to upload material to the school hub sites and doing that in itself felt like an achievement. It seemed like a mystery and I  didn't want to upset any preset formatting that had been done. I felt a little like an intruder.  It is timely that my confidence with accessing and putting work on the site has improved at the same time that the mysteries of the workings behind the scene are unfolding through DFI. I still have a lot to learn and need to do some homework on this, but I am excited to be looking at an authentic purpose for my site; Structured Reading in the junior school. (The subject of another blog post!)

The Manaiakalani Kaupapa topic for week six was 'Connected'. I found that the graphic showing the four goals of Manaiakalani reached me this week. I have seen the graphic before but this time I saw how interconnected and important the four goals are. The big picture of enabling access; that learning for all children should be Connected. Through communication  and collaboration with others that sense of connection to a community is developed.
Ubiquitous, where equity is promoted and fostered when children are able to access the learning anytime and anywhere. Visiblea multi layered concept which was the topic of my last blog post.
Empowered: giving students agency through voice, choice and leadership.  Using the Learn, Create, Share framework to manage learning, these lofty goals somehow seem achievable.

The Kaupapa of Manaiakalani has settled on me. It feels like a good fit. The DFI course has further enabled my access to this thinking and I am grateful for it. What have been your 'aha' moments throughout this time?

1 comment:

  1. Hi Maire, it's interesting as we journey through DFI how the pedagogy becomes even clearer. I like the way you say "the Kaupapa of Manaiakalani has settled on me" - it seems a great way to describe what is happening for us at St Francis.

    The "aha" moment for me is "Connected Learners Share" - thinking of our teachers as learners I am now motivated once again to get them to share their teaching and learning, and thinking with others in the network. I think you model this well!
