Lost at School by Ross Greene.
My Leadership team and I are reading Lost at School by Ross Greene. It is the first of his that I have read, although since mentioning it to colleagues, I understand that he has written a lot worth reading.
I chose this book because of the extreme behaviours that we find ourselves coping with on a daily basis. I find that this new school of mine, contains people with some differing views to mine on how we should support our children's behaviour, especially extreme behaviours. This book delves right into the heart of the matter about why children behave the way they do. It aligns really well with our current move in education towards trauma informed practice. There is a lot of ministry information now about the need to minimise distress in children and we have been looking into these documents as well. I hoped that reading and discussing this book together might help us align our differing views into a shared viewpoint which might then have a flow on effect down the school. If Leadership isn't on the same page then how can we get consistency of practice across the school?
A thoughtful post Maire. I am looking forward to reading this book to have a better insight into the thought processes of our ākonga. I also find reflecting on my own son's actions at school to find confirmation of these ideas helpful.